We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.
Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 11/2017
1. Dr. Marvin Washington / @Marvin_Bus_Doc – Professor at University of Alberta School of Business
“Jail Theory of Leadership” / DisruptHR Edmonton 2.0
Jail Theory of Leadership | Dr. Marvin Washington | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
2. Allie Knull / @allieinedmonton – Recruiter at River City Recruiting Inc.
“Why You Should Never Date Recruiters” / DisruptHR Edmonton 2.0
Why You Should Never Date Recruiters | Allie Knull | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
3. Amanda Knight / @AmandaKnightEQ – Senior Manager, Talent & Culture at McCoy Global
“Don’t Box Me In” / DisruptHR Edmonton 2.0
Don’t Box Me In | Amanda Knight | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
4. Will van Middendorp / @NextInt – Introduction Expert at 1010 Recruitment
“DATA: Digital Age Talent Acquisition” / DisruptHR Edmonton
DATA: Digital Age Talent Acquisition | Will van Middendorp | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
5. Ryan Porter / @lunch_buddy – Founder & CEO of Going 180 Media inc.
“Job Ads Are Stuck In The 90’s Doing The Macarena” / DisruptHR Toronto 3.0
Job Ads Are Stuck In The 90’s Doing The Macarena | Ryan Porter | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
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