We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.
Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 26/2023
- 1. Kara Deringer – Organizational Consultant at Flying Colors Inc.
“Adeptness, Blind Spots, and Compassion” / DisruptHR Edmonton 9.0
- 2. Jackson Fisk – Founder of Goal Zero
“Everyone Listens the First Time, and Other Lies You Tell Yourself!” / DisruptHR Edmonton 8.0
- 3. Suzanne Lucas / @RealEvilHRLady – Writer & Speaker at Evil HR Lady
“Sorry, HR. You Don’t Get Any Friends At Work.” / DisruptHR Zurich 3.0
- 4. Anna Bruns – Head of Talent & Culture at Popmenu
“Survivorship Bias and Why We Fall For It” / DisruptHR Denver 14.0
- 5. Loren Jacula – Manager, Learning and Development at Sherritt International Corporation
“Volleyball Tactics to Improve Your Team’s Performance” / DisruptHR Edmonton 9.0
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