We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.
Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 10/2023
- 1. Mark Nation – Founder and President at Nation Leadership
“Leadership Is a Four-Letter Word” / DisruptHR Chattanooga 1.0
- 2. Suzanne Lucas / @RealEvilHRLady – Writer & Speaker at Evil HR Lady
“Sorry, HR. You Don’t Get Any Friends At Work.” / DisruptHR Zurich 3.0
- 3. Maya Fernandez – Employment & Labour Lawyer at Nelligan Law
“Why Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Won’t Save You” / DisruptHR Ottawa 6.0
- 4. Anna Papalia / @AnnaPapalia – Founder & CEO of Shift Profile
“Interviewing: The Red-Headed Stepchild Of HR” / DisruptHR Philadelphia 8.0
- 5. Rhonda St. Croix / @rhondastcroix – Managing Director, Learning & Connecting at Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
“Meet the Heat: The Power of DisRUPTion” / DisruptHR Ottawa 6.0
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