Top 5 Most Viewed DisruptHR Videos: December 30 – January 5, 2025

We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.

Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 1/2025

  • “Interviewing: The Red-Headed Stepchild Of HR” / DisruptHR Philadelphia 8.0


“The Art Is in the Detail” / DisruptHR Sofia 2.0


“Don’t Push the Button Whatever You Do!” / DisruptHR South Jersey 4.0


“Radical Candor” / DisruptHR Charleston 14.0


“Performance Reviews and Feedback… What If… We Stopped Doing What Doesn’t Work?” / DisruptHR Edmonton 12.0


Like one (or all) of these videos? Share them with your network, and reach out to the speakers to let them know that you appreciated their message!


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