Top 5 Most Viewed DisruptHR Videos: August 20 – August 26, 2017

We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.

Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 34/2017

1. Sarah Coakley – Culture & Engagement Strategist at CultureShoc, LLC

“Competing On Culture” / DisruptHR Cleveland 7.0

2. Erin Miller / @thistweety – People Development at The Motley Fool

“The Power Of Brazen Trust” / DisruptHR Raleigh-Durham 1.0

3. Taryn Stejskal / @TarynStejskal – Global High Potential Senior & Emerging Leadership Development at Cigna

“The Five Practices Of Particularly Resilient People” / DisruptHR Indianapolis 2.0

4. Rob Catalano / @RobCatalano – Co-Founder at Work Tango, Inc.

“How Managers Are Key In Driving Employee Engagement ” / DisruptHR New York 5.0 

5.  Sarah Eppink / @sarah_eppink – Principal & Founder of Aisling Group LLC

“Why HR People Suck As Coaches” / DisruptHR Cleveland 7.0


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