Who are the people that are taking the lead in disrupting the future of work?
They’re the official Disruptors (Organizers) of DisruptHR events held in cities around the world.
Each week, we’ll introduce you to one of these intelligent, inspiring, and beautiful people (okay, pick two) who have stepped up, and volunteered to organize a Disrupt HR event in their city.
Meet Tiffany David – DisruptHR San Diego (Disruptor #108)
Website – Total People Management
LinkedIn – Tiffany David
Twitter – @RTiffanyDavid
Who are you, and what do you do in your “day job”?
I am a big believer in the “win-win”, and enjoy being the Chief People Person for Total People Management — an outsourced solution for all things related to Humans @ Work.
How did you first hear about DisruptHR?
I saw the hashtag on LinkedIn in 2015 that introduced me to the talks. It was love at first click!
Not bad for a 5 minute investment; to watch innovation and conversation around HR take on a whole new light.
Why did you decide to raise your hand and become an organizer for DisruptHR events in San Diego, CA?
DisruptHR is just what America’s Finest City needs to shape our places of employment, and prepare for what’s on the horizon.
When I decided to start my own People Practice, becoming an organizer for my home town to benefit from the DisruptHR movement was a no-brainer. As a result, my circle of influence has expanded to include the most incredible people – in and out of HR. And the buzz I’m part of creating with dedicated professionals… that is so satisfying!
How many events have you organized?
Our first one was held in October 2016, in North San Diego County, with a sell-out crowd of over 120 attendees and 5 sponsors!
Our next event will be Downtown San Diego City on February 22, 2017, and we’re looking forward to another full event.
What types of people attended your event?
Entrepreneurs (start-up and more established), Benefits, Talent, Senior to Entry HR Practitioners, and Professional Coaches.
What are you most proud of that has come out of being involved with DisruptHR events?
People are talking about HR in new ways that are very exciting. The borders have been softened, if not erased, between the “business”, and the people that make it work. New ideas are being presented to usher in more mutually beneficial employment relationships, which hold up to sustainability tests and profitability in a world of redefined consumerism. Old ideas are challenged and perhaps revived where they remain relevant – otherwise they are tossed out for good reasons. There has never been a more exciting time to reshape the world of work.
What kind of feedback did you receive from those who attended the first DisruptHR San Diego event?
Overwhelming support for a movement of this sort in San Diego to shake up our corner of the world!
The best comment to me was: “It’s not enough to say we have the best weather and lifestyle to make people want to live and work here. We want to be the home of the Best Places to Work because of how we treat our people.”
What is your favorite DisruptHR Talk, and why?
“What’s Love Got to Do with It?” by Elaine Swann – CEO of Elaine Swann Enterprises LLC from DisruptHR San Diego 1.0.
What’s Love Got To Do With It? | Elaine Swann | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.
Ms. Swann is an entrepreneur with a passion and purpose. In her courageous talk, Elaine demonstrates how having love for the people that contribute to the success of a business is not squishy, nor fluffy, nor motherly… as much as just good business sense. With a nod to Theory Y, Ms. Swann treats her staff as they are people with lives outside of work and allows for ideas such as #family (the only text required for a day off work), and fun field trips to promote understanding and growth between team members.
I love this entire premise (honest, I mean it!), and feel that we could use a bit more intimacy to act more human in an overly litigious landscape. Don’t get weird on me here… you know what I mean. 🙂
Based off of the Talks and conversations at your event, what do you feel are the areas with the biggest opportunity for disruption?
- Marrying data analytics with the human elements of work.
- Leadership only means something when it is authentic.
- Working in teams with fast-moving parts and multiple objectives will become very important as we focus more on micro-tasks.
What excites you or frustrates you about the future of work, your career and/or DisruptHR?
I am an activist at heart, but not for the reasons you may think. Disruption for the sake of discussion is wasted effort in my humble view.
When real change happens, it shapes a better future for me, for us and for future generations. There are no small parts in this casting call – everyone plays a part from meaningful discussions with their employees/employers to demanding better legislation and representatives that know how to solve problems intelligently. It takes courage, yes, but it also takes humor, entertainment, celebration and communities.
That’s what I love about DisruptHR–the community made up of people.
Follow What’s Happening With DisruptHR San Diego:
– DisruptHR San Diego Community Page