Meet The Disruptors: Anessa Fike of DisruptHR Pittsburgh

Who are the people that are taking the lead in disrupting the future of work?

They’re the official Disruptors (Organizers) of DisruptHR events held in cities around the world. Each week, we’ll introduce you to one of these intelligent, inspiring, and beautiful people (okay, pick two) who have stepped up, and volunteered to organize a Disrupt HR event in their city.

Anessa Fike of DisruptHR Pittsburgh & DisruptHR Miami (Disruptor #267)

LinkedIn – [Anessa Fike]

Twitter – [@AAggressa]

Who are you, and what do you do in your “day job”?

Anessa Fike, Founder of AF Recruiting LLC, People, Culture, and Talent Consultant who helps elevate companies to the next level or building People teams and organizations in companies from scratch.

How did you first hear about DisruptHR?

Attending first Raleigh one – from a friend

Why did you decide to raise your hand and become an organizer for DisruptHR events in Pittsburgh?

I love thinking innovatively about everything, and I think traditional HR is dead. If as People Professionals, we don’t disrupt the traditional HR industry – then we shouldn’t be in the field. Connecting people and meeting more innovative thinkers in the space drives me forward.

How many events have you organized?

I’ve organized the first Pittsburgh event, and am organizing Pittsburgh 2.0 as well as Miami’s first event! First Pittsburgh event had 100+ people in attendance!

What types of people/industries have attended your events?

HR, recruiters, startups, CEOs, solopreneurs…

What are you most proud of that has come out of being involved with/organizing DisruptHR events?

Connecting great minds and great talents to each other – and people having fun talking about People and Business.

What kind of feedback have you received from those who attended prior DisruptHR Pittsburgh events?

“This is the best event I’ve been to … probably ever”, “I got the most out of this event – even more so than conferences I’ve attended that were thousands of dollars”

What is your favorite DisruptHR Talk, and why?

I really enjoy all DisruptHR talks – they each have something to tell us.

Based off of the Talks and conversations at your events, what do you feel are the areas with the biggest opportunity for disruption?

Getting women equal pay and making sure we are pushing for diversity and inclusion in executive presence and boards.

What excites you or frustrates you about the future of work, your career and/or DisruptHR?

It’s frustrating how far we still have to come in including everyone and giving everyone equal pay and place.

What’s Happening With DisruptHR Pittsburgh:

DisruptHR Pittsburgh Community Page

DisruptHR Pittsburgh on Twitter (@DisruptHRPGH)

#DisruptHRPGH Twitter mentions


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