DisruptHR ZurichåÊ(Switzerland) will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at KOSMOSåÊand weÛªre excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their first DisruptHR event!
DisruptHR Zurich 1.0 Speakers
Angelo Ciaramella / @ciaralogic ÛÓåÊConsulting Talent Acquisition Advocate atåÊCiaramella & Partner GmbH
“Toffifee ohne Nuss: Talent Acquisition vs. Employer Branding”
Reto RÌ_egger / @retotweet ÛÓåÊFounder and CEO atåÊSoftfactors AG
“Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting – Opportunity or Danger?”
Pierre Botteron / @pobmanagement ÛÓåÊAdvisor & Founder atåÊPeople On Board GmbH
“Colleagues Engagement: from Awareness to ZealåÊ”
Sesil Pir / @whirlingchief ÛÓåÊI/O Psychologist, HR/OD Consultant atåÊSESIL PIR Consulting GmbH
“Time to Claim ‘Human’ Back in Human Resources”
Wolfgang Rathert / @wolfgangrathert ÛÓåÊChief Egagement Officer atåÊPik AG
“How Gamification Will Change the Face of HR”
Judith Oldekop / @oldekop ÛÓåÊHead of People & Culture atåÊSiroop AG
“Leinen Los fÌ_r Lohntransparenz”
Sandro Pisaneschi / @beratungsbuffet ÛÓåÊGrÌ_nder und CEO atåÊBeratungsbuffet AG
“Helden werden – Gute Argumente fÌ_r 50+”
Leo Marty / @leomartyeb ÛÓåÊManaging Director atåÊUNIVERSUM
“Generations at Work”
Leandra Amsler / @LeandraAmsler ÛÓåÊVerantwortliche Human Resources atåÊNetstream AG
“Mensch = Maschine”
Mirjam SchaffneråÊÛÓåÊGrÌ_nderin/GeschÌ_ftsfÌ_hrerin Consulting Unternehmen atåÊSynfluence
“Mythos Cultural Fit”
Hari Abburi /@hariabburi ÛÓåÊConsulting Partner atåÊThe Preparation Company
“How Agile is your HR? The Agile HR Modelå©”