DisruptHR Raleigh-DurhamåÊ(NC, USA) will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2017åÊat PSI Theatre and weÛªre excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their third DisruptHR event!
DisruptHR Raleigh-Durham 3.0 Speakers
Tess Ausman / @cltleads ÛÓåÊTalent Development Manager atåÊLendingTree
“Your Leadership Training DoesnÛªt Work“
Eric Surface / @easphd ÛÓåÊPresident & Principal Scientist atåÊALPS Solutions
“Moving Beyond Training Evaluation Levels: Using Data to Improve Learning and Create Value”
Bucky FairfaxåÊÛÓ Senior Vice President, Strategic Talent Management atåÊRTI
“HR with P&L”
Steve Cooper / @ClassicScoop ÛÓåÊPartner, Co-Founder atåÊExeclla Consulting
“Leadership in the Millenial Age”
Max Alway-TownsendåÊÛÓåÊFounder and CEO at Jobalo
“Students In The Workplace”
Sarah GlovaåÊÛÓåÊFounder and President atåÊReify Media
“Unlimited Vacation: Dare To Try It. Or Else?”
Justin Schaefer / @Resiliencei_US ÛÓåÊPrincipal Owner atåÊResillent Strategies Group
“Change Is Cold Baby: Put On a S.C.A.R.F.”
Kameron Kales / @Kameronkales ÛÓåÊFounder ofåÊGlance AI
“Sourcing Candidates”
Benjamin FarrellåÊÛÓåÊOwner atåÊCustom Benefit Auctions
“Front Desk Revolution”
Suzanne QuentinåÊÛÓåÊSenior Leadership Development Consultant atåÊLeading Initiatives Worldwide
“7 Steps To HR Heaven”
Sarah Morgan / @TheBuzzOnHR ÛÓåÊHR Professional, Practitioner, Blogger and Speaker atåÊTheBuzzonHR
“Getting To Yes Everytime”
Ryan Batchelor / @Ryan_Batchelor ÛÓåÊFounder ofåÊTalentARB
“S&M – Everyone’s Doing It”