DisruptHR Ottawa 3.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR OttawaåÊ(Ontario, Canada) will be held on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at Klondike Room at AdobeåÊand we‰Ûªre excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their third DisruptHR event!

DisruptHR Ottawa 3.0 Speakers

Alana Couvrette / @alana_couvrette -åÊUniversity Student

“CEO for One Month”

Sarah Feldberg / @feldtastic -åÊResource Manager, Donor Relations atåÊCanadian Blood Services

“Thanks! I Think”

Tricia Gazarek / @TriciaGazarek -åÊDirector, Conflict Management atåÊLewis & Gazarek

“Hidden Benefits of Workplace Mediation”

Tim Ragan / @business_junkie -åÊPerformance Engineer atåÊCareer Constructors

“Going Gig ‰ÛÒ Leveraging the Free Agent Workforce in your Organization”

Aida Hadziomerovic -åÊDirector, Testing and Assessment atåÊHuman Resource Systems Group

“Should We Get Rid of Managers?”

David E Elliott / @DavidEElliott -åÊPerformance Improvement Consultant and HR Disruptor atåÊCAUBO Canadian Association of University Business Officers

“Design Thinking – A System for Achieving Goals”

Stephanie Burgetz / @SBurgetz -åÊLearning Guru atåÊRoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons

“To Train or Not to Train? That is the Question”

Paul Vallee / @paulvallee -åÊPresident & CEO atåÊPythian

“Breaking the Bro’ Code”

Melanie Polowin / @gowlingwlg_ca -åÊPartner atåÊGowling WLG (Canada) LLP

“Brave New World”

Bruce Squires -åÊVice President, People, Strategy & Performance atåÊChildren’s Hospital of Eastern

“I DON‰ÛªT Need a Hero!!”

Laraine Kaminsky / @global_lk -åÊPresident & CEO atåÊGlobal LK

“Disrupting Unconscious Bias”

Shelli Warren / @shelli_warren -åÊCareer & Leadership Coach atåÊSheConnex

“Step UP to Lead”

Thanks to DisruptHRåÊOttawa 3.0åÊSponsors


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