DisruptHR Orlando (FL, USA) will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, at The Mezz and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 7th DisruptHR event!

Wendy Sellers / @myhrreality — The HR Lady at The HR Lady, LLC.
“5 ways our employees drive us crazy (and what to do about it)”
David Miklas — Employment attorney at Law Office of David Miklas, P.A.
“Are you creating legal liability when you hire or recruit online?”
Brett Wampler — HCM Consultant Team – Orlando Executive at ADP
“Disrupting Your HR Technology Mindset”
Jacquie Brooks / @JacquieBrooksHR — Human Resources Director at S.I. Goldman Company
“Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone”
Dale Leatherwood / @DaleLeatherwood — Co-Founder & President of ClearDegree
“Febreze Your Educational Assistance Program”
Miranda Jung — Assistant Director, Talent Management at Rollins College
“Talk Dirty to Me”
Lisa Hancock / @LisaHancock6 — Executive Vice President of Manpower
“Humans Wanted: Robots Need You”
Carrie B. Cherveny, Esq. — Chief Compliance Officer at HUB International
“”F” in the Workplace and Other Colorful Language”
Frances Rios / @TheFrancesRios — CEO of Women Who Lead
“Your career. Your business.”
Sommer Sherrod — Vice President, Benefits at Insurance Office of America
“Changing the Leadership Development Paradigm without a Big Budget”
Thanks to DisruptHR Orlando 7.0 Sponsors!