DisruptHR ManhattanåÊ(Kansas, USA) will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at Blue Moose Bar and GrillåÊand weÛªre excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their first DisruptHR event!
DisruptHR Manhattan 1.0 Speakers
Amy LeslieåÊ/ @amysmithleslie ÛÓåÊCEO atåÊPerspective Consulting, Inc.
“10 Things Not to Say to a Woman Who Means Business”
Russ DisbergeråÊ/ @Disberger ÛÓåÊCEO atåÊAspen Business Group, LLC
“Facing the Truth”
Kristina Dietrick / @CBSKS ÛÓåÊPresident atåÊHR Partners
“Why is this Person Still Working Here?”
Jeff Schober ÛÓåÊBenefits Consultant atåÊDPI Benefits
“Financial Wellness & Retirement Plan are Essential Components of Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent”
Carmen SchoberåÊ/ @schober_carmen ÛÓåÊFounder and CEO ofåÊThe MillionTo1 Club
“Overwork Vs. Underwork: Same Problem, Same Solution”
Bayo AdioåÊÛÓåÊOwner atåÊAdioFit, LLC
“What Corporate Wellness Programs are Missing”
Mike HenkeåÊÛÓåÊOwner atåÊMike Henke, Inc.
“Being Lenient is Not a Retention Strategy”
Oscar MontenegroåÊ/ @OskarMonte10 ÛÓåÊConsultant atåÊAspen Business Group, LLC
“Get Real”
Frank KeckåÊ/@frankkeckcsp ÛÓåÊFounder/CEO atåÊExcellerant, Inc.
“Embrace Your Freakness”
Rachel Keck ÛÓåÊCo-Owner atåÊExcellerant, Inc.
“WhatÛªs Your Uncomfortable Face?”
Marci FugarinoåÊ/ @ihrsolutions ÛÓåÊHR Consultant atåÊiHR, Inc.
“Be More Awesome Than Last Year”