DisruptHR London, ON 2.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR London (ON, CA) will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 2018,  at Canadian Centre for Product Validation and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 2nd DisruptHR event!

Terry Gillis / @terrygillis — President & CEO of Carswell Partners Inc.

“HR Needs an Enema”

Jason Dearing / @dearingjason — Branch Manager at Libro Credit Union

“Connecting Purpose and People to Create Value”

Glendalynn Dixon  / @glendalynndixon — Owner of Glendalynn Dixon Professional Services

“Don’t Speak – How Leadership Lost It’s Voice”

Jamie Good / @thejamiegood — Workplace Learning & Mental Wellness Consultant

“Working with Empathy”

Becky Andree / @beckyandree — CEO of Vertical Leadership Consulting

“CODE RED! Leadership Development Has Flatlined”

Tasha Hughes  — Empowerment Coach

“1/10th of a Second – An Eternity For Your Brand”

Alex Benson — Assistant Professor at Western University

“The Rise & Fall of Narcissistic Leaders”

Aidan Prince — Organizational Development Specialist Human Resources at City of London

“The Importance of Glitter in the Workplace – Putting Sparkle In Someone’s Day Makes the Workplace Better!”

Vania Sakelaris / @VasAssociates — Principal at VAS & Associates Inc.

“Recalibrating Your Life: Advancing Your Life’s Journey With “Self” in the Driver’s Seat”

Steve Mason  — HR Business Partner at Great West Life

“Lessons from the GWL Agile Journey”

Melissa Maloney / @thehappyleader1 — Founder of Happy Leader Enterprises

“Energizing for Engagement”

Lori Nemeth / @lori_nemeth — Senior Manager, Organization Development and Learning at Fanshawe College

“Organizational Change that Works?”

Rachel Berdan /@rachelberdan — COO of rTraction Canada, Inc.

“From the Trenches – The Secret Engagement Ingredient”

Paula Morand / @PaulaMorand — Founder and CEO of Paula Morand Enterprises 

“You Said What? – Shifting Culture through Communication.”

Kelsey Ramsden — CEO, Author, Speaker at Belvedere Place Development Ltd.

“Screw Your StatusQuo:: Success Hangovers Are the Epidemic in Business and Career.”

Thanks to DisruptHR London, ON 2.0 Sponsors!












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