DisruptHR Indianapolis 6.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR Indianapolis (IN, USA) will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, at The Cabaret and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 6th DisruptHR event!

Susan Rider / @GA_SusanRider — VP, Employee Benefits and Human Capital Strategies at Gregory & Appel

“Combatting Ignorance-Dismantling Stigma and Empowering Inclusion”

Jess Stephenson@JessLStephenson — VP, Marketing and Talent at ExactHire

“Confessions of an Exec-Level Imposter – How I Got My Life Back.”

Gretchen Schott@gretchenSchott — VP, Learning & Development at TrueU

“Great Companies Make Their People Better. Shouldn’t They?”

Liesel Mertes — Workplace Empathy Consultant at Handle with Care

“Handle with Care-Empathy at Work”

Erica Ballard — Founder and CEO of The B Method

“Your Corporate Wellness Sucks…and here’s why…”

Kyle Shipley@kyleashipley — Co-Founder of Woven

“Why Your Candidate Experience Sucks (And What To Do About It)”

Maigen Rowe@MaigenRowe — Director-Global Experience at Allegion

“You Can Do Better. Negotiating the Job You Have Into the Job You Want.”

Amanda Areces@aareces — Director- Talent Development at HRD

“People are the WORST”

Jared Olsen — Customer Success Manager & Product Evangelist at Motivosity

“The Culture of Caring: The Missing Secret Sauce of Total Rewards”

Nikki Lewallen@NikkiLewallen — Partner Performance Coach at Emplify

“Own your 50! Are you in the way of increasing employee engagement?”

Rebecca Scott@vividsprings — Founder of Vivid Springs

“How to Crush the Enemy of Innovation AND Save the Day”

Jill Lehman@LehmanJill — Founder and Managing Consultant of High-Frequency Arts and VP of Corporate Services at Ontario Systems

“Work with Art”


Thanks to DisruptHR Indianapolis 6.0 Sponsors!








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