DisruptHR Glasgow (UK) will be held on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at citizenM Glasgow Hotel and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 4th DisruptHR event!
Lynn White — Founder of Talent Leave
“The MASSIVE Opportunity of Maternity & Parental Leave and the Uncommon Sense HR Need to Seize It!”
Jenny Barnes –Training Partner at ivity.org
“Democratising HR”
Michelle Minnikin — Captain of Culture at Work Pirates
“How to be a work pirate!”
Allan Mackintosh / @allanmackintosh — Team Provocateur at Taking Teamwork Seriously
“Taking Teamworking Seriously?”
Aime Armstrong / @armstrongaime — Kickstart Director & Owner of NinjaHR
“Emotional Work”
Nick Smith — Experiental Coach at Square Pegs Coaching
“Take it Outside!”
Tom Anderson — Director at Thornton & Lowe Ltd
“Rome was not built in a day”
Claire McLean — Founder & CEO of RealiseHR
“Who’s in the loo? Inclusive places to work one step at a time”
Cat Trebilco / @reachthepeak1 — Executive Coach at Reach The Peak
“Business Benefits of Getting High”
James McLuckie / @JamesMcLuckie — Chief Learning Officer at MAPAL Group
“Don’t bore us, get to the outcomes: Why your learning interventions are probably failing”
Annabelle Beckwith — Leadership Coach at Yara Journeys
“Back to the Future: defining your culture in the next normal”
Scott Leiper / @scottleiper — Creator at Imaginocity & The Learning Lab
“Archipelago – Imagined islands of learning”
Laura Royal — Director at DNA Coach Ltd
“Working 9 to THRIVE: How to ensure a culture of Psychological Safety”
Alexandra Burn — Coach at Alex Burn Consulting
“Happiness is…”