DisruptHR Chicago (IL, USA) will be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at Uptake and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 6th DisruptHR event!
Kami Bond / @kami_bond — Senior VP of People at Uptake
“Are You Behind The Curve? Leveling the Playing Field On Wage Parity and Its Impact on D&I”
Kelly Leonard / @KLsecondcity –Executive Director, Insights & Applied Improvisation at Second City Works
“Thank You, Because…” – How to Create a Culture of Gratitude”
Claire Coder / @GoAuntFlow — Founder of Aunt Flow
“Tampons and Time Clocks”
Torin Ellis / @torinellis — Founder of The Torin Ellis Brand
“From Conversation To Commitment”
Tanarra Schneider / @tanarra_chicago — Managing Director of Fjord
“How Using Imaginary Worlds Like Wakanda Can Be a Way To Re-Imagine a Different Future”
Billy Banks / @billybanks99 — Associate Director at The Garage at Northwestern
“ProHabits – Creating a Culture of Innovators, Intraprenuers, and Disruptors”
Kendra Foley / @SAICMakeWork — Executive Director, Individual Giving at The School of the Art Institute
“Artists Are The Best Hires! An Unconventional Approach to Conventional Work.”
Samantha Fergus — HR Generalist at Forrest Technical Coatings
“A Veteran’s Perspective: “From Dog Tags to Name Tags”
Julie Sowash / @JulieSowash — Senior Disability & Inclusion Consultant at Ability Beyond
“This Is NOT Charity! Employment Branding in the Disability Community”
Bob Tweedie / @tweedie_bob — L&D Leader at Deloitte
“You got rid of performance management. Now what?”
Thanks to DisruptHR Chicago 6.0 Sponsors!