DisruptHR Chicago 5.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR Chicago will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at  1871 and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 5th DisruptHR event!

DisruptHR Chicago 5.0 Speakers

Steph Ryter / @stephryter &  Gary Hallgren /@garyhallgren— Creative Culture Leader at Arity

“How To Collaborate With The CEO To Build Your Company Culture”

Celine Schillinger /@CelineSchill — Head, Quality Innovation & Engagement at Sanofi Pasteur

“Employee Activism Is The New Black”

Aideen Shea /@AideenShea09 — VP Learning & Development at Byline Bank

“EVERYONE Needs to Think About Career Transitions – Even HR!”

Ariadne Ducas — Founder & Chief Meditation Officer at kairosmind.com

“Mindful Disruption: Attention is Everything”

Heather Corallo /@HRCorallo — Chief of Staff to CIO at Gamut

“You Can’t Solve Bad Leadership With An App.”

Michele Steele /@ESPNMichele  — Reporter & Host at ESPN

“Locker Room Talk: Succeeding As Women In Male-Dominated Spaces”

Allison Robinson /@The_Mom_Project — Founder & CEO of The Mom Project

“Why We Are Failing Mothers In The Workplace”

John Higginson /@johnjhigginson — CTO at Enova

“Why Does The White Guy Support Diversity?”

Theresa Stewart — Independent Design Consultant at 18 Coffees

HRtifacts: Using Co-Creation And Human-Centered Design In Your Organization.”

David Aronson /@davidaronson — Founder & CEO of Peanut Butter

“Why Student Loan Assistance Is a Key Retention Tool In A Millennial World”


Thanks to DisruptHR Chicago 5.0 Sponsors!




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