DisruptHR Chicago (Illinois, USA) will be held on April 26, 2017 at 1871, and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their third DisruptHR event!

DisruptHR Chicago 3.0 Speakers
Dorri McWhorter / @chicCPA – CEO of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
“Possibility Partners – Unleashing Purpose & Potential”
Eric Doctors & Victor Saad / @victorsaad – SVP Leadership and Organizational Development at Leo Burnett & Founder of Experience Institute
“Leo Leaps – How Leo Burnett Transformed The Career Journey”
Claire Lew / @cjlew23 – CEO of Know Your Company
“Why Anonymous Feedback is Evil”
Karen Fedyszyn / @KarenFedyszyn – Chief Information Officer at Glanbia Performance Nutrition
“Change Your Game”
LaTonya Wilkins / @LaTonyaWilkins – Director of Talent Management at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“Dear HR, Stop Creating Wicked Problems”
Diamond Greer – Analyst at Grosvenor Capital Management and Co-Founder of Let’s Vibe
“#LifeHack: Sugar, Design, And A Pinch Of Wine”
Jess Giudici – Manager of Talent and Culture at Smalley
“Think Like a Marketer”
Kate North / @KiwikateN – CEO of Workplace IQ
“Using Space to Design Culture”
Dirk Petersen / @TiPeopleUS – US Managing Director of Ti-People
“HR: Take Charge of the Digital Disruption”
Congratulations to DisruptHR Chicago organizers Nicole Dessain / @NicoleDessain (Founder of talent.imperative), and Nancy Harris / @restartnancy (Founder of Restart Consulting) for selecting such a great group of speakers for the third DisruptHR Chicago event!
Thanks to DisruptHR Chicago 3.0 Sponsors