DisruptHR Calgary 6.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR Calgary (AB, CA) will be held on Thursday, November 22, 2018, at Wild Rose Brewery and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 6th DisruptHR event!

Clint Clarkson /@ClintClarkson — Founder of eLearning Alchemy

“Training Guru Says…”

Claudia Velandia /@Quantumthinkca — Founder & CEO of Quantum Thinking

“How is Your Mind Limiting Your Success?”

Rhiannon Mosoronchon /@rhiannon_cari — People & Culture Specialist at Litwiniuk & Company

“Let’s Talk About Trust: Harnessing the Power of a No-Bullshit Culture”

Jane Moran /@NoesisLearning — Founder, Chief Learning Officer at Noesis Learning Inc.

“Your Brain on Goals: Permission to be Provocative”

Alivia Cortez /@stress_well — Founder of Stress Well

“How to Harness the Power of Stress”

Alex Sutherland — Student at SAIT Polytechnic

“Weirdos, You’re Not Hiring Enough!”

Matt Murphy  /@jmmurph11 — Director, Strategy & Innovation at Alberta Health Services

“We’re Talking About Practice?”

Kevin Kent /@KnifeNerd — CEO & Founder of Knifewear Group

“You Can Run a Business & Treat People Well”

Bekki Leon /@BekkiLeon — Manager Policy, Benefits & Services at LNG Canada & Benjamin Leon @benjamindandy –Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Dandy Brewing Company

“So You Want to Start a Start-up?”

Amanda Knight /@AmandaKnightEQ — Founder & CEO of The Leadership Privilege

“What Do You Do If a Leader Lies?”

Thanks to DisruptHR Calgary 6.0 Sponsors!







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