DisruptHR Bucharest 3.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR Bucharest (RO) will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, at Teatrul Elisabeta and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 3rd DisruptHR event!

Sorana Savu — Senior Partner Premium Communication at Premium Communication

“Afraid of being yourself?”

Claudia Stan — People Services Senior Manager at KPMG Romania

“Fear of feedback”

Alexandra Cernian — Digital expert, Lecturer at Politehnica University of Bucharest

“Crafting your future 4.0”

Adriana Grigorescu — Commercial Director Rompetrol Downstream at Rompetrol

“Mama Dragonilor”

Noëla Zaharia — NonFormal Learning Facilitator at noelaz.ro

“Self-inflicted gain”

Armina Dobrica — Corporate Wellness Consultant Aon Romania at Aon Romania

“Organizational Orgasm”

Raluca Mihăilă — Managing Owner Utopic Brain at Utopic Brain

“H2H – the new professional chemistry”

Cristina Gheorghe — Managing Partner HR Quality Services at HR Quality Services

“H2H – the new professional chemistry”

Simion Ursache — Presales Lead at UiPath

“The Knowledge Asset”

Claudia Ionescu — Director of the School no.4 “Elena Donici Cantacuzino”

“Călătorie prin școală”

Radu Octavian — Owner Pink Point of Pink Post

“Îmi pasă! Putem! Îmi place!”

Cătălin Chirilescu — Training Expert at Attitude Training Romania at Attitude Trianing Romania

“En grande! Pe muchie de lamă”

Adriana Istrate — Banking consultant & Triathlonist at BCR

“Reinvent your future”

Gabriela Onofrei — Employer Brand Manager at OSF Global Services

“How to walk the talk: The Premises of an Open & Horizontal Organizational Culture”

Virgil Stanescu — Executive President of Sports HUB at Sports Hub

“Learning Through Sport”

Marius Ștefan — CEO Autonom of Autonom Rent A Car

“De ce suntem Autonomi?”


Thanks to DisruptHR Bucharest 3.0 Sponsors!

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