Top 5 Most Viewed DisruptHR Videos: January 29 – February 4, 2018

We want to make sure more people are able to hear and see the great ideas that are being shared at DisruptHR events around the world, so each week, we’ll post the 5 most popular videos from the week before.

Top DisruptHR Videos – Week 5/2018

1. Ron Kubitz / @ronbray

Corporate Hiring: Fantasy Football Style / DisruptHR Pittsburgh 1.0

Corporate Hiring: Fantasy Football Style | Ron Kubitz | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.

2. Mitch Zenger / @mitchzenger

HR Needs To Stop Running A Baby Sitting Service / DisruptHR San Francisco 2.0

HR Needs To Stop Running A Baby Sitting Service | Mitch Zenger | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.

3. Michelle Parry-Slater / @MiPS1608

Changing Your Shape  / DisruptHR London 3.0

Changing Your Shape | Michelle Parry-Slater | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.

4. Mike Wood / @MikeWoodTweets

Working In A Like Economy  / DisruptHR Philadelphia 1.0

Working In A Like Economy | Mike Wood | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.

5. Wendy Dailey / @wyndall93

Say Millennial, Get Punched / DisruptHR Minneapolis-St. Paul 1.0

Say Millennial, Get Punched | Wendy Dailey | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.

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