DisruptHR Zurich (CH) will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at Coople and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 7th DisruptHR event!
Suzanne Lucas — Owner & Founder of Evil HR Lady
“Improv Your HR”
Nathalie Ogier — People & Culture at Instant Z
“Elevating HR Impact Through Shared Governance”
Carolin Schneider — Founder & CEO of 4di2
“Traditional HR is Seen As Meaningless, Stupid, and Irrelevant: How to SHIFT LEFT Today to Make This Right”
Reka Deak — Founder & CEO of Wellbeing Designers
“Wellbeing is the New Culture”
Alana Gahler — Employee Experience Design at Swiss International Airlines
“How Self-led Teams Will Be a Benefit to Your Organization”
Minette Tshibangu — Talent Acquisition Manager at Thinkproject
“Ways to Closing the Gender Pay Gap”
Yves Schneuwly — Group Chief Commercial Officer at Coople
“Tempisierung im Gesundheitswesen – kritischer Trend oder längst überfälliges Flexibilitätstraining für die Organisationen?”
Stefan Tscherfinger — Chief Family Officer I HR Business Partner at cablex AG
“Der Weg zu mehr Teilzeitväter”
Dana Behrens — People & Culture at ZURIGA
“Wandel Beginnt Mit Worten – Die Transformative Kraft von Sprache in Organisationen”
Denise Jentsch — HR-Fachfrau & Systemische Organisationsberaterin und Coach at Genossenschaft Waldner & Partner
“Eine Firma ohne Chef – Das Bringt Neue Arbeitskräfte”
Thanks to DisruptHR Zurich 7.0 Sponsors!