Leading With Definition In The Age Of The Influencer – a DisruptHR talk by Nadia Gillies – Managing Director at Brix Media
DisruptHR Vancouver 1 – November 4, 2015 in Vancouver, British Columbia. #DisruptHRYVR
Whether we acknowledge it, leverage it – or not – we all have a Personal Brand, and the the rise of social media, increased shareable content, and the emergence of new engagement patterns have created the “Age of the Influencer”.
Influencers have strong social followings, and they share their opinions with the masses. Their opinions are trusted and valued by many people.
Why is social influence relevant?
Influence is talent. Therefore, on-boarding Influencers is becoming a talent acquisition strategy for forward-thinking brands.
What are some of the benefits of hiring someone with a strong personal brand?
– Likability – Their opinion of the brand will often end up being the opinion of their audience.
– Early Adopters – They’re often early adopters of social trends and platforms, and can become channels for new information.
– Credibility – Consumers now look to Influencers to guide purchasing decisions rather than advertisements.
– Quality Content – This group recognizes the value behind strong content.
– Reach – Company messages and campaigns can reach a much wider demographic when Influencers leverage their personal audiences.
How do you create space for an Influencer in your workplace?
– Meritocracy – Build a work environment that highlights expertise and makes space for individuals to stand out.
– Structural Flexibility – Not everyone is interested in climbing the corporate ladder. Offer flexibility for lateral growth.
– Re-invent Active Listening – Leadership must be open to new approaches instead of exercising power from familiarity.
– Creative License – Give team members the chance to create and contribute content on behalf of the organization.
In the past, organizations had the power to control how information was distributed, but now, information is dispersed in multiple ways. The power comes from managing how information is received.
Change is being driven from the bottom up – not the top down. So take advantage of the opportunity to bring Influencers into your workplace and leverage their knowledge, and make a better learning environment for everyone.