DisruptHR Long Island 2.0 Speakers Announced!

DisruptHR Long Island (NY, USA) will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at Hilton Melville – Savoy Ballroom and we’re excited to announce an awesome lineup of speakers for their 2nd DisruptHR event!

Mark Fogel  /@HC3 — Managing Partner – Co-founder of Human Capital 3.0

“Let’s Make HR SEXY”

Sy Islam / @IOSyIslam — Principal Consultant at Talent Metrics

“Sustainable Salaries: Investing To Build Employee Investment”

Dana Rubin /@VizibilityLab — CEO of VizibilityLab

“Lipstick On A Pig”

Robyn DeLuca /@RSDeLuca — President of DeLuca Insight

“Disrupting Schedules After Parental Leave: Cost or Benefit?”

Ben Porr — VP, Assessment and Analytics at Harver

“You’re Hiring and Onboarding Wrong.”

Claudio Diaz — CHRO at Marcum

“Biases Buy Us Byes”

Joel Peterson /@joelyoh — Chief Operating Officer / HR Business Partner at Goshow Architects, LLP

“Who Gives a Sh*t About Empathy?!”

Vadim Liberman /@VadimsViews — Practice Leader at The Starr Conspiracy


Emma Leeds Guidarelli /@EMLeeds — Head of People at Museum of Ice Cream

“Mandatory Fun”

Nicholaos Papadopoulos /@CoachNickNYC — Manager, Client Relationships in Talent Development atNewYork-Presbyterian Hospital

“Culture Eats Strategy’s Breakfast”

Elana Krieger /@ElanaKrieger — Head of People at Via

“Hire for Potential, Train for the Role.”

Peter Phelan /@culturedoctorny — Founder & CEO of ValuesCulture

“Don’t Feed Eggs To Your Chickens”



Thanks to DisruptHR Long Island 2.0 Sponsors!









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